Perhaps our best experiences with license plates aren’t necessarily the one’s we expect, but they are one’s that will last a life time.
For example, our first experience with license plates are typically the license plates game. Parents often give kids these game on long road trips in which they mark in a book the plates they discover while they are traveling from other states. From here, we only grow and run into more experiences that we carry with us. From children we grow in to young adults with the desire for freedom and to drive.
Pre-teens desire independence and with that means the ability to be able to take ourselves where ever our hearts desire. To do that however, you have to learn to drive. Most kids learn to drive between fifteen and seventeen years of age. It starts with parents taking us on the road and helping us to learn the basics. From there we go through drivers education courses and we take a test to help us learn to drive on our own legally. We spend so much time in cars that it only feels natural that it becomes a bonding moment.
Bonding in fact is where many of our memories happen. Mostly for young men after they’ve become of age, and enter the dating world. During this time mothers and fathers teach their children the world of dating and what to do and not do. Men often are responsible for transportation in terms of picking up their date and showing them a great evening. This cycle continues in to adult hood when we take our children to and from the doctors, we take trips to see parents and other family members, and given time we also teach them how to drive. What most don’t come to realize is that a car is not our first set of wheels, far from it in fact.

If you have ever owned a bicycle, big wheel or any other childhood toy that came with wheels then this is your first set of wheels. You learn how to balance yourself, how to steer, push ourselves and so forth. It’s from this first small step that we take with our parents that we grow and involve in to adulthood and develop experience for later on in life. We hang out with friends in our cars, we go see our favorite movies, visit and have fun. When married, it’s typically a limo or a car that brings us both to ceremony and in which we head for the honeymoon. It almost seems odd that some of the biggest moments in our lives have to do with the time we spend in the car and are surrounded by it. We often spend so much money in the upkeep and repairs of our vehicles, that it’s almost heart-breaking when we have to replace them with a “new” one for one reason or another.
Despite what some may say, they are the corner-stone and foundation for the way our lives are shaped and the things that we experience which in some way’s shape us as we grow.