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6. Blanking – License Plate Manufacturing

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6. Blanking

The next process involved in license plate manufacturing is blanking. It refers to the process where in number plate stock is transformed from its roll form into individual license blanks. This process usually entails lamination of reflective sheeting in order to substrate the metal.  While you are already adept in operating the number plate machine, it is also ponder to the different components of blanking line.

20 Keywords about License Plate Manufacturing

  1. Order Entry or Processing
  2. Production Scheduling
  3. Materials
  4. Reflective Sheeting
  5. Graphics and Printing
  6. Blanking
  7. Components of blanking line
  8. License Plate Identification
  9. Manual embossing
  10. Finishing
  11. Liquid Neutral Coating
  12. Hot Foil Stamping
  13. Optical Scanning system
  14. UV Curable Inks
  15. Packaging and distribution
  16. License Plate Digitization systems
  17. Computerized Optical Verification
  18. Shipping/Mailing
  19. Barcoding
  20. Verdict on the LPD system
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